Friday, January 30, 2009

New Server / New Guild

I rolled new toons on Borean Tundra. A Belf Mage named Irelia and a Belf Lock named Catryalini . My daughter is the guild leader and she's got a couple of really great guys as officers. I leveled to 9 on Irelia then had to go to work. The next day I leveled Cat to 8. I really like these toons.

This guild is already pretty good size, 63 members yesterday and feels like family. A real chatty bunch. But like all families it has it's little dramas. Cloudhoof, the second, had to /gkick someone for being offensive and rude. Then someone else said Cloud was insulting him and he /gquit. Oh Boy!

Sarah has really strong leadership skills as well as being so knowlegable about the game. This is a strong and active guild I think it's going to take on a life of it's own. Haha

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Inscription Profession Update

Well started slow this morning as I has some minor computer issue that I had to run a diagnostic on before my computer would start up, Ugh! Was worried I had contracted something dreadful that would wipe my hard drive never allowing me to play WoW again

Got past that and logged into my main Alli toon, Catryalini, to pass out some gold to my other toons. Then went strait to my Lock, Belmada, to work on leveling Inscriptions. I'm at level 101 and am able to make Major Glyphs for all classes. I've put a glyph on Belmada and sent one to Rachel for her hunter. I've put a gang of them and some scrolls in the AH at a low price to see how they do. I need more herbs and I can make more ink. I don't know who needs what so I'm just going to put items into he guild bank and let peeps pull what they need.

I have an armor glyph that requires enchanting to use so I sent that to Catryalini to see if she can figure out what to do with it. Nobody seems to want any enchants so I haven't been able to level her too much more lately. I guess I'll have to save junk weapons and practice on them and then vendor them. Last instance I went on with my sister's guild I couldn't beg anyone to take an enchant before we went in. Odd!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Game Play

Well, I really got to play a lot more than I thought I would this weekend. I didn't really play on any of the tunes in my sister's guild. Just left a bad taste in my mouth from the last time I played with her. Hope I get over that soon.

I worked on leveling my Lock and really like this toon so far. I really like playing in the Dwarf areas around Ironforge. So far even dying has not been too often or too painful. I'm learning a good rotation for my lock and learning which minion to bring out at the right time to maximize my effectiveness. Just hit level 15 and am halfway to level 16 due to a good solid 3 hours of play this morning.

I have gotten 4 coins of ancestery so far for the Lunar Festival, and gone to **** oh darn I forget the name of the place where the festival is being held. Anyway I'll update this when I figure it out. I want to get a festival outfit. I got some buff foods last time I was there.

Also been working on my inscription leveling and am at about 91 now and am able to make some minor glyphs for each class. It's making the inks to create the glyphs and scrolls that is difficult. I've got a bag packed with scrolls right now and most require enchanting to use them so I'll send one of each to my enchanter Catryalini and put the rest in the AH. I've also made a hunter glyph which I'll give to Rachel, she's doing so well and is passing me by already, which isn't hard to do. I'll use the other which is a Lock glyph for myself or give to Sarah for her Locky Lady. Fun Fun

New Addons

I've just downloaded two new addons, Auto bar and Dominos. So far I like them. They work well with my other addons and only a small learning curve for adjustments.

Auto bar lets you customize your bags and buff items for the class of your character and puts all your foods and bag items on a pop up bar for easy access. I really like it but I've only customized it for my Lock so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how it works on my mage that has so many more items that can be utilized by this app.

Dominos is just another bar addon, but I like it better than any of the others I've used so far and it works with my Titan addon very well. I like being able to move the bars wherever I want and not have them in a fixed arrangement like many other bar addons I've tried.