Thursday, January 15, 2009


I was wondering what the whole imscription craft was about but I wasn't finding anyone who did it. So I decided to put my Locky Gnome on that profession with Herbalism. Definatelty the way to go after one trip to the Auction House. Yikes.

So I found out that Inscriptions is all about those scrolls of power like scroll of intellect, etc. I thought it might have something to do with the Glyph thingys that are on the spell book now. I still haven't figured that out. What are they for and what do they do. Where do you buy/acquire/make them, etc.

Obviously I need to do more research on this so I'll pause for now and come back with an update.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Mod Squad

I got moderated on LiveJounal for posting the WoW video. The said it had been posted twice before but I hadn't seen it. Yikes!
-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Craft of War: BLIND from percula on Vimeo.

Hooked Up With An Old Friend

I logged onto, yet another of my alts, my mage and one of my old guildies whispered me. Her game name is Sheenah. She's a Dranei Hunter we used to play every day and she's a great on line friend. We did Black Fathoms Deep today and had a great time. She's level 72 so she one shotted everything and I grabbed the loot. HaHa she's too high a level to be able to use any of it anyway. I'll send the greens I can't use to the guild enchanter for mats and store the rest in the guild bank.

I am so glad she found me online. She has her own guild now and made me a pretty high level member :).

I remember when we played before and got into a couple different guilds together it just didn't work out. I don't think I'm really very social so I do better one on one or on very small groups. I think I quit playing my Mage cause I didn't want to have to group with large numbers of people I didn't know. To many chances for petsonalies to clash.

Anyway I'm trying it again for my friends sake. I may just have to tell her I really don't want to do large groups.

Water Form/Cat Form

Played WoW over the weekend with my sister. She's a a level 30 on her TAuen Druid. She helped me get my Tauren Druid his water form. He's been sitting idle for months cause I just couldn't do that quest. Yeah!

We also worked on my Nelf Druid and now she has her cat form. After doing Black Fathoms Deep she's heading to lvl 22 in a hurry and I think she's going to be my new main. I really like the versitility of the Druid class.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Level 20

I hit level 20 on my Nelf Druid last night. I'm hoping to find the quest for my cat form today. Fun!

I'm still working on the right spec for her. Right now she's more effective as a caster, but I'm not sure Balance is going to get us through the tough quests especially after we get cat form.

-- Post From My iPhone